Saturday, 10 November 2012

Winner Of Apple I-pod

Our own Kiera won the lucky draw to win an Apple I-pod.  She sold heaps of chocolates in our school fundraiser, so we can buy Apple I-pads for the school.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Bike-Riding Champion

Yesterday I went to Bike Mania.
It's a bike race.
I came 2nd place.
I got a medal.
I was tired after, and I did Zumba too.
by Piripi

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Keira's Nana

Here is my Nana visiting me at school.  She brought me cheesecake and pudding for morning tea.

Greats 'n Grans Day

I love my Nana because she makes great pancakes for me.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Origami By B6

A beautiful Japanese Samurai hat made from black paper looks really smart.

Future Engineers.

Piripi, Ashlee, Nola, and Keira made this very tall tower out of rods. Aren't they clever?

Monday, 3 September 2012

Cute as!

Look at this beautiful baby rabbit, which Ashlee and her sister bought to show B6!  Cute as.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Maths with Style

Today we started learning about turns.  It's a maths topic that is part of geometry.  We learned to turn our bodies to 90, 180, and 360 degrees.
We watched some skiing and skateboarding clips of people doing turns.  Amazing!
180 on a bike to see how to do a 180 (half turn) on a bike.

Friday, 10 August 2012

American Teachers

On Friday B6 had two lovely visitors.  Sheryl and Kelly are student teachers from America, and they are visiting Glenholme School because they heard how good New Zealand schools are.  They come from very different parts of U.S.A., and have different accents to each other.  Kelly comes from Colorado near the Rocky Mountains, where they have deep, deep snow in winter.  Sheryl comes from Texas, in the south, where it is 40 degrees in summer.  They helped us with our maths, and our sewing.  They showed us on the globe, where their home-towns are.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Class Of The Week 27.7.12

Wow! We were fantastic today at school assembly.  We won class of the week, and here we are with the certificate, teddy and trophy, feeling very proud.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

2nd Prize Class Of The Week

Look at fantastic B6.  We were the second best class at assembly.  Mrs Caudwell is so proud of us.  We were sitting up,  listening carefully, and singing beautifully.  Kei tawhiti!

Harold visits our assembly.

Jordan got a big hug from Harold, as well as her click-card 1, and  a special pencil.

Bernie brought Harold to visit our assembly on Friday.  He made us laugh.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Foggy Morning

This was the view at Glenholme Reserve last week.  We could hardly see the houses.
Foggy mornings occur when the night temperature is cold (not freezing), and the ground is damp.
The air can't hold all the moisture in vapour, so it turns into a cloud, close to the ground.
Once the sun comes out, and warms the air up, the tiny droplets of the fog evaporate back into the air.

Sunday, 20 May 2012


When we get to school in the morning, we have to
#1. Put our book-bag in the red box.
#2. Put our spelling book in the white box.
#3. Put our lunch-box on the shelf.
#4. Hang our bag up on our own hook.
#5. Put down the chairs.
Ashlee didn't need any reminding!


This morning when we got to school, everything was white and frosty. Frost occurs when it is a fine night, with no clouds.  As the night air cools, it drops dew, because cold air can't hold water vapour.  When the temperature drops to freezing, (0c) the dew freezes, forming frost.  Bird baths and puddles freeze too.  Our steps were slippery and icy, so Matua Eric put some astroturf, so we won't slip over. We wrote an acrostic poem about frost. People say "Jack Frost is about," but frost is a kind of weather, not a person.

Really freezing and icy outside.
Our steps were slippery and white.
Sunny Winter mornings are frosty.
Today is frosty and cold.

Santanna, Phoenix and Ashlee on the icy steps.

Santanna, Ashley, and Phoenix check out the frosty playground.

Thursday, 17 May 2012


Rainbow over C9 today.
 Pikopiko Team are learning about Weather Systems.  Thanks to the weather being so changeable, we've been able to observe lots of different weather this term!  A rainbow forms when there is some sun, and a little bit of light rain.  If you put your back to the sun, you might see a rainbow, like we did today.  Rainbows form when the sunlight passes through each little raindrop, and separates into seven colours.  The colours are always the same.  Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.  Rainbows often make people feel happy.

Piper and Phoenix adding a bit of sparkle.
 Our beautiful butterflies are on show in our classroom, the A-block corridoor, and the hall.  We used metalic paints for a shiny finish, to contrast with black detailing.  They look stunning.  We looked at a book that shows some amazing butterflies from around the world to get ideas.

Tidy Kiwis

 We forgot to tell you how proud we were last week, when we won the Tidy Kiwi award at assembly.  We do try to keep our area tidy, by putting our rubbish in the bin, and picking up any rubbish that blows in.  here we are with our certificate, and the Tidy Kiwi.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

'Surfin' Safari.'

Kia ora whanau,
We are practicing hard at our class item for the talent quest in week 5.  We sound good, and we look great, because we are having lots of fun.  Remember we all need to bring in a set of summery, beach clothes, and some boogie-boards this week.  Come and support us at lunch-time on Monday 21st May 12.45. - 1.15, in the hall.  If we are lucky enough to get into the finals, that will be on Friday 25th May at 1.30.

Pikelet Day

Ashlee and Tyra mixing the batter. 

Kyra,Ashlee and Aaliyah spreading jam on top.


TJ and Nola giving our pikelets the taste-test.

Monday, 7 May 2012


Wind is good  You can feel it, but you can not see it.  Wind can be very strong.  It can carry leaves.  It can blow seeds.  It can be dirty.  It can blow heaps of things. 
Tornadoes can be very windy. Tornadoes can make black-outs.  They are gray, and they can swirl around and around.  It twists around and it looks scarey.
By Nola.

Monday, 30 April 2012

Buddy-Testing in B6

Mrs Caudwell thinks it is very important for B6 children to be good spellers, so we can write quickly, and it is easy for someone to read our writing.  Our best speller is Energy, he is on list 24 already! We practice our new list at home, then have a buddy-test at school.  If we know all the words, Mrs Caudwell or Mrs Cooney will test us.  If we know all the words, we get a new list.  We are all trying to be the first person to get five new lists, so we can win a prize.  Here is Ocean doing a buddy test on Jordan before school. 

Monday, 23 April 2012

Our Shining Smiles. Day 1

We all got a new sparlky toothbrush and our own tube of toothpaste.  Deallan
You put a little bit of toothpaste on your brush.  Eben
First, you brush  your outside teeth wiggling the brush on each tooth.    Kazuki
Second ,you brush the inside of your back teeth by wiggling the brush on each tooth.  Phoenix
Third, you brush on top of the chewing teeth, at the back.    Eva
Fourth, you  flick behind your front biting teeth.  Dhruv
Fifth, you brush your tongue.   Iraia
You rinse your mouth out with water.  Santanna
You rinse your brush, and wash out the basin so you leave it clean.  Chance
You clean your teeth every morning and every night.  Tyra
Having clean teeth is healthy, and makes your smile beautiful.  Aaliyah.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Pinky Comes To School.

Lucky B6 have a special new dog called Pinky.  Thank-you very much to Maia, who has kindly donated him to brilliant B6 children, who have been showing the school values.  We have Trooby, and Puppy already, and now we have Pinky.  I wonder of you can guess why she is called Pinky?

Saturday, 31 March 2012


B6 have made fantastic progress in swimming this term.  Mrs Caudwell had some help from Erin (Swim-Safe NZ), and that helped her to help us!  Now we are all floating, gliding, and skulling, so that we will be safe if ever we fall into water.  That means we can stay afloat untill someone can rescue us.  Did you know that if you hum a little song, the water doesn't go up your nose?
We all want to shout-out a big 'THANK_YOU' to Matua Erik, who keeps our school pool warm and clean for us.
Check out our 'Oodles of Noodles' photopeach - you can see us having free-play on Friday, our last day of swimming for the term.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Good luck to Piripi.

Friday was Piripi's last day at Glenholme School.  He is going to live in Australia with his Nanny Ruth, and Koro.  Nanny Ruth bought us a delicious chocolate cake and some hot sausage rolls, so we all had a special morning tea to say goodbye to him.  We hope he makes kind friends at his new school, and makes excellent progress in his learning.  He will be able to show his new class how to do kapa haka, as they don't have that in Australia.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

On Friday, we had a fantasic visit from Dan The Puppet Man.  He had Ruru, the road-safety owl.
We helped Porangi the pukeko to learn all about how to cross the road safely.  You have to Stop, look both ways, and walk across the road.  You must never run on the road.
We saw heaps of funny puppets.  One was a boy who broke his arm because he went on the road to get his ball.  One was a boy who did not wear his bike helmet, and he got hit by a car.
To be safe when we are in a car, we must be in a booster seat, and wear a seat-belt.  We have to 'make it click'
Dan was a ventriloquist.  That means he can do the puppet voices without moving his lips.  No-one in B6 can do that!
Take a look at our photopeach, and you can see Dan, the different puppets, and some of us too.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Lakeside Concert 2012

I live by town and I saw the fireworks, they were colourful.  Me and my dad and Jackson watched it together.
I went to the concert at the lake.  I went with my mum and dad and Tayla.  I fell asleep so we went home.  We didn’t see the fireworks.
I went to the concert and I had fun at the concert.  I had popcorn, and I could see the man was singing.  Then the fireworks came on, and then it finished.
On Saturday night me and my mum and my dad watched the band.  The band was long.  I was asleep, then the fireworks came on.  I liked the fireworks.  The fireworks were colourful.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

A Special Visitor

This afternoon, Mrs Bishop bought her baby to school.
At lunchtime, she was in the staffroom to show the teachers.
After lunch, she bought him to B6 to show us.   His name is Mathew, but they call him Matty.  He was cute.    We had to be very quiet, because Matty was asleep.
After that, Mrs Bishop was going to visit C7.
We were happy that they came to see us.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Bubbles Autocollage

We used  Autocollage to put lots of pictures together.  It helps us remember what we did.
Keira, Kazuki, Jago, Energy, Aaliyah, Piper and Nola.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

B6 Breakfast Party

Lio and his mum entered us in a competition at New World, and we won a fantastic breakfast for our class.
Lots of whanau came to join us.  We learnt that having a healthy breakfast helps you learn, makes you fast, and makes you a more cheerful person.

Bubbling Over!

B6 blew beautiful bubbles.  We had lots of fun reading about bubbles, writing about bubbles, and making bubbles.  Keira's photo was even in the Daily Post!  We were very proud of her.